Giant's Couseway

Flanked by the wild North Atlantic Ocean on one side and a landscape of dramatic cliffs on the other, for centuries the Giant’s Causeway has inspired artists, stirred scientific debate and captured the imagination of all who see it.
Inquiring minds have marvelled at the regularity of the stones’ shape and the vastness of their number. Science, of course, holds the answers to most of these questions but in the days before scientists there were storytellers.
Storytellers have their own explanation for this captivating stretch of coast, and many stories endure to the present day. The most famous legend associated with the Giant’s Causeway is that of Irish giant, Finn McCool. It was imagined that the causeway is the remains of the bridge that Finn built linking Ireland to Scotland. The landscape became so imbued with the spirit of this legend that it gave rise to the name – the Giant’s Causeway.

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